Specifying the height is optional, useful for creating a square:
The maximum image size is 4000 x 4000 px.
The minimum image size is 10 x 10 px.
The image format can be specified:
The default format is SVG.
Image formats can also be combined with colours:
Supported formats are SVG, PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP and AVIF.
The background and text colours are represented using hex values:
Alternatively, CSS names can be used:
The transparent keyword can also be used:
Both background and text colours must be specified together.
The text can be customised using a query string.
Spaces are represented using +:
New lines are represented using \n:
The default text is the dimensions of the image.
The font can be customised using a query string:
The following fonts can be used:
The default font is Lato.
Fonts can, of course, be combined with text:
Need a retina image? Simply append @2x or @3x to the size:
Only PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP and AVIF formats support retina images.